About Makali'i


a picture of Makali'i

Welcome Message

Aloha! My birth name is Patti Miller, but I am also known as "na wahine a Makali'i", which translates as the woman belonging to the Pleiades.  The Pleiades are a group of seven stars that exist in our sky, and they are the source of much of the sacred knowledge and gifts of healing that have been preserved and passed on from ancient Hawaiian temples to us today. I am here to tell you a little about the type of healing work that I do.  I have been  trained in the ancient Hawaiian healing practices of temple style Lomi Lomi and Kahi Loa.  Lomi Lomi is a form of massage that is very unique and extremely effective for all types of physical and emotional imbalances. It is one of the most loving and nurturing forms of massage that there is, and works on many different levels of your being at once.  Kahi Loa is another form of healing that means eternal oneness and it involves working with the energy of the body and guided meditation to bring you into oneness and unity with all. The healing work that I do is a very effective tool for clearing away unnecessary baggage from you past, healing emotional and physical wounds, leaving you with a clear path to manifest your dreams and follow your true purpose.

I have also studied and practiced native spirituality, and other types of energy and bodywork, such as muscle testing, body tune ups and reiki.  I am an african dancer, drummer and painter of beautiful works of art!