These are some good sources of information relating to Hawaiian shamanic
Hawaiian Goddesses
This is an excellent, beautiful source of information on the Hawaiian
goddesses. The pictures are amazing, and the writing is really good. I
like this website because it is very artistic and spiritual.
Hawaiian Gods
This site will tell you some good myths about the Hawaiian Gods, and it has some
really good pictures and information about the culture of Hawaii. There are some
cool pictures of ancient Hawaiian totems.
Information on Huna
This site has lots of good information on Huna. Huna is the basis and
philosophy behind Lomi Lomi. It is the secrets behind the mysteries of the
universe, and can be used as a very effective tool for enlightenment.
Serge King's Huna Site
Serge King is a prominant person in the world of Huna. He is one of the
main people responsible for spreading this valuable knowledge to all
people. His company, Aloha International is an excellent source of books
and videos that teach the mysteries and magic of ancient Hawaii.
A Lomi Lomi Session
This article describes a typical temple style Lomi Lomi session, which is the
type of Lomi Lomi that I also practice. If you want to know what it might
be like to have a Lomi Lomi massage, this can give you a pretty good idea!